Friday, June 12, 2020

iCarly - iSell Penny Tees Transcript

Bushwell Plaza, iCarly set.

The gang is in the middle of a show.

Sam is blowing her nose on a pile of wet noodles. Her friend Carly glances at Sam.

Carly: Well?

Sam: Works just fine.

Carly: Okay, JilliePillie14, you can blow your nose with a handful of wet noodles.

Sam: And afterwards, they make a tasty snack for Junior.

Sam throws the noodles on the bowl belonging to Gibby's younger brother Guppy.

Sam: Bon appe-snot.

Sam pinches and then pats Guppy's cheeks.

Guppy: Ahhhh.

Carly: Okay, now a lot of you guys out there...

Sam: You fans of we...

Carly: Have been posting comments on asking if you can buy some of the stuff you've seen us use here on the show.

Sam: We're not sure why you'd wanna buy our own junk.

Carly: But if you want it...

Sam: We're gonna auction it off.

Carly: And donate all the money we made to a very worthy cause.

On-screen visual graphic: The words "The Sam Puckett Legal Defense Fund" fly on the screen.

Sam: "The Sam Puckett Legal Defense Fund".

Sam presses a button on her remote. A jingle plays and Carly and Sam wave their arms rhythmically.

Jingle: ♪ The Sam Puckett Legal Defense Fund... ♪

Freddie, the cameraman, turns the camera to himself.

Freddie: Together, we can keep Sam out of juvie.

Freddie pans the camera to Carly and Sam.

Carly: Okay, get ready to bid!

Sam: 'Cause now the time has come to...

On-screen visual graphic: The words "Show You Our Junk!" appear on the screen, word by word.

Carly and Sam: Show you our junk!

Gibby, a sweet but naive boy, raises a curtain. The curtain opens to reveal items used on the iCarly show. Carly and Sam dance as music plays. Freddie joins in on the dancing as the girls all laugh.

Sam: That's some good lookin' junk.

Carly: And it's all available for sale.

Gibby jumps into the shot.

Gibby: (pirate voice) Yarrr!!!

Sam: I told you not to do the pirate voice.

Gibby: (no excitement) Yar.

Gibby exits the shot.

Carly: So, what iCarly items are for sale here, Sam?

Sam: Well, Carls, right there I see Spencer's fan of hammers.

Carly: Aww. Who could forget the time Spencer almost impaled my head with a flying hammer?

Sam: Dangerous times.

Carly: Mmm-hmm.

Sam: And check out what this curvaceous mannequin's been modeling.

Sam points to a mannequin wearing a shirt reading "Uncle Female".

Carly: It's one of the super cool t-shirts you often see us wear.

Sam: They're called "penny-tees".

Gibby: That's my personal mannequin. (caresses the mannequin's chin)

Sam gives Gibby a weird glance.

Sam: Continuing on...

Sam picks up a pair of shoes with technical cords for laces.

Sam: Y'all remember these TechFoots.

Carly: Who wouldn't be proud to wear this pair of defective sneakers to school, the zoo?

Sam: Or the funeral of a loved one?

Freddie turns the camera to himself.

On-screen visual graphic: A scroll reads a disclaimer.

Freddie: (faux serious voice) iCarly is not responsible for damage caused to your feet, toes, or central nervous system. (nods)

Freddie pans the camera back to Carly and Sam, then over to Gibby sitting at the table where Guppy was eating.

Gibby: Whoa!

Gibby eats Guppy's snot-filled noodles.

Gibby: Mmm, I'm in love with this sauce. What is it?

Pan camera back to Carly and Sam. They give Gibby and Guppy weird looks.

Sam: Uh, it could be a lovely cheese sauce.

Carly: But it's snot.

Spencer, Carly's older brother, jumps into the shot. He plays a few notes from a banjo. Carly and Sam dance along.


Opening Credits


Bushwell Plaza, Shays' apartment.

Carly and Sam are packing items in boxes while Freddie is on the computer.

Carly: Okay. Who gets the three-legged wiener dog?

Freddie: Andrea Swain from Winfield, Kansas, 67156. (scoff-laughs) Swain. (eats a piece of pineapple from a toothpick)

Sam: I can't believe some chick paid 100 bucks for a stained wiener dog. (throws wiener dog in box)

Carly: I told you some fans would really wanna buy stuff that's been on iCarly. (gets distracted at Sam poking Carly's arm) What are you doing?

Sam: You got a baby scab on your arm.

Carly: Leave it! (slaps Sam's hand)

Freddie: Wow. This is amazing.

Sam taps on the countertop where Freddie is sitting by.

Sam: Someone finally friended you?

Sam walks away.

Freddie takes a knife and holds it and points it to his chin.

Freddie: Control, Freddie. Bad thoughts lead to bad actions.

Freddie drops the knife.

Carly walks to Freddie.

Carly: What's amazing?

Freddie: Guess what iCarly item sold for the most money by far?

Carly: Fan of hammers?

Freddie: Nope, the penny-tee.

Carly: How much?

Freddie: Almost 300 bucks.

Carly: Seriously?

Sam: I knew it. I told ya people. Did I tell ya people? (points to Carly and Freddie)

Carly: You told us people.

Sam: Our fans are dying for these penny-tees. We should make 'em, sell 'em, bank a few hundred thousand, quit school and open that restaurant I've been talking about.

Carly: No one wants to kill a live chicken, then barbecue it. 

Sam: You don't know everything.

Sam walks away.

Sam: Whatever. Are we gonna do the penny-tee thing or not?

Freddie: I think we should. Our fans want 'em and we could make 'em a lot of cash.

Carly: Sure, why not?

Sam: Yes! (swings arms while holding shirt) iCarly's in the penny-tee business! Woo-hoo!

Carly, Sam, and Freddie dance excitedly.

Freddie: All right. Now we just gotta figure out how we're gonna make enough of 'em to--

(SFX: Knock on the door.)

Carly: Oh, hang on.

Carly leaves.

Sam whacks the penny-tee on Freddie's arm.

Freddie: Ow!

Carly: Comin'.

Spencer tries to beat Carly to the door.

Spencer: Got it.

As Spencer runs to the door, Carly gets knocked down on the floor.

Spencer opens the door to be greeted by a "SendEx" delivery man.

Spencer: Do you have my package?

Delivery man: Uh, yeah.

Spencer notices Carly whimpering as she is still on the floor.

Spencer: One second.

Spencer walks to Carly.

Spencer: Kid, what are you doing? The floor is dirty.

Spencer helps Carly get up off the floor.

Carly: A truck hit me.

Spencer: You're fine. (fixes Carly's hair) There you are. You look so good.

Spencer runs to the door.

Spencer: Give me my package!

The delivery man hands Spencer a packing envelope.

Delivery man: Sign right here.

Spencer: Oh, yeah. I'll sign right there.

Spencer puts his signature on a tablet.

Freddie tries to eat a piece of pineapple from a fork, but Sam steals it from him and eats it..

Spencer is then handed the package and cheers.

Delivery man: Thanks. Hey, do you know where there's a soda machine around here--

Spencer: No. (slams door)

Spencer does a dance.

Sam: What'd you get?

Spencer: A crazy foreign movie for a crazy hot foreign girl.

Carly: That's why you gave me a crazy hot concussion?

Spencer: Shhh!

Spencer opens the package.

Spencer: She's from Uzbekistan. And she's blonde and tall and pretty and fun and smells like a fancy hotel bathroom!

Spencer takes out a DVD from the package.

Sam: My cousin Tanya smells like a gas station bathroom.

Spencer: That's not the same thing.

Sam gives Spencer a disapproving glance.

Spencer: Her name is Krustacia. And she doesn't speak any English.

Freddie: So how do you talk to her?

Spencer: Oh, by doing this... (makes eating motion) Eeeating.... (does walking motion) waaalking.... (does canoeing motion) canoooeing....

Sam and Freddie give Spencer weird looks.

Sam: Yep.

Freddie: Thank you for answering.

Sam: Yeah, we got it.

Spencer: We're having our third date on Saturday night, so I ordered this foreign film in her language.

Freddie: But you won't understand it.

Spencer: Who cares?

Sam: Well, guess what we're doing?

Carly: We're gonna start making penny-tees just like this one and sell 'em to iCarly fans.

Spencer: (runs out) I gotta go think about Krustacia.

Carly puts the penny-tee down.

Carly: Okay, we're going shoplifting.

Spencer: (offscreen) Wear a jacket!

(SFX: Door closing.)

Sam tries to touch Carly's arm.

Sam: Are we really gonna go shoplifting?

Carly: No!


Bushwell Plaza, Shays' living room.

Spencer is pouring Krustacia's drink.

Spencer: May I freshen your soda?

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek)

Spencer: Well, sure you can.

Spencer pours Krustacia's drink again.

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek)

Spencer: Hmm. I don't understand anything you're saying.

Krustacia: (points to TV) (speaking Uzbek)

Spencer: The movie?

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek)

Spencer: Yes! The movie is terrific, even though I understand none of it. I mean, what's with the goat and the balloon? Let's watch together.

(SFX: People speaking in foreign language, goat bleating.)

Krustacia laughs.

Spencer: (exclaims)

(SFX: Donkey brays, loud boom.)

Spencer and Krustacia get scared.

Krustacia leans on Spencer.

Spencer kisses her.

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek)

Spencer: Yes. We can kiss again.

Spencer and Krustacia kiss again.


Bushwell Plaza, Carly's room.

Carly and Freddie dance while holding penny-tees.

Carly: Ah! And that makes two dozen Fried Clowns. Done.

Freddie presses a button on his Pear Book laptop.

Freddie: Which makes a total of 74 penny-tees completed, and ready for shipping.

Carly: Oh, and don't forget Sam's contribution. You know, nothing.

Freddie: Hey, where is that lazy blonde? She has flaked on us every night this week s--

Sam enters carrying a cart of boxes.

Sam: Knock-a-doodle-doo.

Carly: Where have you been?

Sam: A place.

Carly: And what's in those boxes?

Sam: (rests head on box) Items.

Sam walks to Freddie.

Freddie: You knock off a Fat Cake truck?


Sam turns to Freddie. She grabs Freddie's arm and pushes him on the couch.

Freddie: Oh, it's happening. Sam, come on! Don't you--

Sam spanks Freddie.

Freddie: Aah! Ow! Sam, stop it! Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it! Get off of me!

Sam walks up to Carly.

Sam: So, you really wanna know what's in those boxes?

Carly: Please don't be Chinese fireworks. Please don't be Chinese fireworks.

Sam brings out a dozen penny-tees and lays them on a table.

Sam: 30 finished penny-tees.

Carly: What?

Freddie: No way.

Sam: (points) And 30 more in that box, and 30 more in that box.

Carly: Seriously?

Sam: (hunches down) Seriously.

Carly: How'd you make so many?

Freddie: And why did you spank me?

Sam: Because you irritate me. And I'll show you.

Sam walks back, turns to Carly and Freddie and does a "come over here" motion with her hand.

Freddie: She's motioning us in her direction.

Sam: I see it.

Carly and Freddie follow Sam.



Sam take Carly and Freddie down to the basement.

Freddie: You really slapped it hard.

Carly: Why are you taking us to the basement?

Sam: You wanna know how I made so many penny-tees? Check it out.

Sam takes Carly and Freddie downstairs to find a bunch of fourth-grade kids making the penny-tees.

Carly: Who are they?

Sam: Momma's little helpers. They're fourth-graders from St. Mary's, right down the street.

Freddie: You've got a bunch of fourth-graders to make penny-tees?

Sam: (nods) Yep. And I've only paid them five bucks a day.

A girl wearing a purple jacket walks up to Sam. She rolls up her sleeve and shows Sam her arm.

Girl with purple jacket: Miss Puckett? I got a cut on my arm.

Sam: Oh, let me take care of that.

Sam grabs a roll of duct tape. She takes a chunk of it and wraps it around the girl's arm.

Sam: (pats girl's head) Back to work now.

Girl with purple jacket: But, I--

Sam blows an air horn. The girl screams and runs away.

The kids wipe sweat off their faces.

Carly: This is worse than Chinese fireworks.



Sam walks to check up on the kids when she notices a girl with a turquoise shirt drinking water.

Sam: Drink later.

The girl stops and gets back to work.

Sam: They make 19 penny-tees every hour.

Carly: Yeah, but, this feels wrong.

Freddie: I don't like this.

Sam: Why? These kids are earning money they could use to buy, you know... treats and such.

Carly: Working in a gross, humid, depressing basement for $5 a day isn't worth treats. Or such.

A boy with glasses walks by Sam showing her a sandwich with a toothbrush stuck inside.

Boy with glasses: (in British accent) Miss Puckett? I mean no trouble but there's a filthy toothbrush in me chicken salad.

Sam: Surprise.

The boy runs away in horror.

Carly shows Sam a box with sandwiches.

Carly: Where'd you get this box of sandwiches?

Sam: I don't know.

Carly: Dumpster.

Sam: All right, who talked?

The kids gasp in horror and turn to Sam.

Sam: (points to Carly) Who told the prissy brunette about the dumpster?

Carly: (puts down box of sandwiches) No one talked.

Freddie: You can't work little kids like this.

Sam: Dude! I checked the iCarly inbox and we have over 600 orders for penny-tees to make and deliver. We're gonna need help from somebody.

Carly: Well, okay. But if these kids are gonna work for us we're gonna treat them nicely and with respect.

Sam: Aw. If you do that they won't work as hard.

Carly: What are you talking about?

Sam: I'm talking about the truth. They're already slowing down 'cause I'm not (gets close to kid) yelling at them...

Sam and Carly argue.

Freddie tries to calm them down.

Freddie: Okay, okay. Okay. LISTEN!

Sam and Carly stop arguing.

Freddie: You keep half these kids down--

Sam slaps Freddie in the face.

Freddie: You keep half these kids down here and work 'em your way. Carly and I will take the other half up to the studio and we'll have 'em work for us, our way.

Carly: Which won't include dumpster tuna fish.

A girl wearing two braids puts her tuna salad down to the side.

Sam: Sure thing.

Sam walks to the staircase. She blows an air horn.

The kids gasp.

Sam: Okay! All kids with last names starting with A through M, you guys go with Carly and Freddie.

A group of kids cheer.

Sam: Oh, so you're happy about that? Okay. N through Z kids, you go. A through M, you stay.

The group of kids groan.

Another group of kids follow Carly and Freddie out to the hall.


The Groovy Smoothie smoothie bar.

Spencer and Krustacia drink smoothies together.

Spencer: How's your smoothie?

Krustacia smiles at Spencer.

Spencer: (points at Krustacia's smoothie) Your smoothie. Do you like drinking it?

Krustacia stares at Spencer.

Spencer: Is drinking your smoothie a good time?

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek)

Spencer: Ah. I've never been so happy to be so confused.

Krustacia laughs.

Gibby walks in holding a plunger. He puts down the plunger.

A man walks in. He runs away in fear.

Gibby walks up to Spencer.

Gibby: Hey, Spencer.

Spencer: Oh, hey, kid.

Gibby: Hi, ma'am. I'm Gibby.

Spencer: She doesn't speak English.

Gibby: I'm still Gibby.

Spencer: She's from Uzbekistan.

Gibby: No way! My bus driver's from Uzbekistan.

Spencer: No way! 'Cause Krustacia and I, we can't really communicate, I mean. Not like, verbally.

Gibby: Well, Foogtor speaks perfect Uzbek.

Spencer: You'd hook me up?

Gibby: You're hooked, man.

Spencer: Who's the best weirdo in Seattle?!

Gibby: Gib-behh!

Spencer: Gib-behh!

Krustacia: Gib-beh?

Spencer: Yes.

The man from before walks back inside the Groovy Smoothie with a police officer.

Man: There he is! (points to Gibby)

Gibby turns to the man.

Man: That's him!


Bushwell Plaza, iCarly set.

The kids all peacefully work on the penny-tees.

Carly walks in.

Carly: Hey now. I'm extremely disappointed in you guys.

Kids: What?

Carly: 'Cause you're all working when you should be snacking on...

Freddie walks in with a platter of mochi ice cream.

Freddie: Mochi ice cream!

The kids run to take a mochi ice cream from the platter.

Freddie: All right, everybody grab one. Yeah, they're Japanese finger treats.

Carly: There you go.

Freddie: Here you go. Everybody get one?

Boy in plaid shirt: You guys are so great.

Bree: Like the nicest bosses ever.

Carly: Aw, come on.

Boy in plaid shirt: It's true.

Bree: And you're paying us more than double what Sam was.

Freddie: Aw, Sam's horrible.

Boy: Yup.

Girl: She is.

Boy in red shirt: She broke my phone.

Carly: Okay, let's talk about the schedule for the rest of the day.

Girl: Okay.

Carly shows the schedule on a Pear Pad.

Carly: You guys take about fifteen minutes to relax and enjoy the mochi.

Boy in plaid shirt: I like the mango.

Freddie: Oh, yeah, mango bump!

Freddie fist bumps the boy.

Freddie: And then, you guys work on the penny-tees for about two hours.

Carly: Or until you feel you need a break.

Freddie: And then at 5:30, we'll all meet to discuss the penny-tee total for the day.

Carly: And then we'll take a few minutes to sit around, to have some blue tea, and just get to know each other a little better.

Kids: Terrific.

Boy: Mochi.



The kids are working on the penny-tees, while some are slacking and sleeping on the job.

Sam walks in to check up on the kids.

Boy with glasses: Here she comes.

Sam: What's up, t-shirt monkeys?

Kids: Uhhhh.

Sam: Ah, the sound of progress.

Boy with glasses: Uh, excuse me, but when might we lunch?  

Sam: How many penny-tees have you made so far today?

Girl with braids: 46.

Sam: Wow. Not what momma wanted to hear. You guys should be up to 50 at least.

Girl with braids: Look. You promised us lunch by two o'clock.

Sam: Fine. Lunch is over there.

The kids run to get lunch.

The girl with braids walks up to Sam holding a large can with a label reading "Chunk Meat".  She brings the boy with glasses with her.

The girl with braids puts the can on the table.

Girl with braids: What's "Chunk Meat"?

Sam: "Chunk Meat". Which word don't you understand?

Boy with glasses: But this is for animals.

Sam: No, it's not.

Boy with glasses: See here. It says, "Strengthens hooves".

The kids turn to Sam.

Girl with braids: Okay, that's it. We want more money and better working conditions.

Kids: Yeah.

Sam: And I wanted a mom who doesn't wear bikinis three sizes too small. Did I get that? No. Life's a big boo-hoo. Now eat your meat.

Boy with glasses: No, I won't.

Girl with braids: We don't want this job anymore.

Kids: (overlapping talking)

Sam: Oh, yeah? You wanna say goodbye to your five bucks a day and your free cans of meat?

Kids: Yeah! (overlapping talking)

Girl with braids: Come on, guys. Let's go.

The kids leave.

Sam: Good. Leave. I don't care. I'll make the penny-tees myself. (points to boy) You are especially slow.

A boy leaves slowly.

Sam takes the can of meat. She throws away the meat on a stick that she was eating and examines the can.

Sam: "May contain meat". Well, if it may...

Sam takes out a can opener and opens the can.


iCarly studio.

The kids are playing noisily and jumping around. The boy in the plaid shirt is blowing bubbles. Bree, a girl wearing a pink jacket throws a ball around and takes turns throwing with another girl.

Carly and Freddie walk in, each holding pitchers of a blue-colored tea beverage.

Carly: Hello.

The kids sit and quiet down, while trying to look casual.

Freddie: W-What's going on here, guys?

Bree: Just taking a little break.

Carly: Oh. Okay, well, how many penny-tees have you guys made today?

Boy with plaid shirt: I don't know. Maybe like, six?

Carly: Six?!

Freddie: For the whole day?

Boy with plaid shirt: Hey, man. Get off our chiz.

Freddie: Uh, maybe you should all get off your chizzes (takes the boy's foot off the table) and do some work.

Carly: Or you're not getting paid. (takes the boy's other foot off the table)

Bree: You already pre-paid us.

Boy with plaid shirt: For the whole month.

The kids hold up stacks of dollar bills.

Kids: (cheering) Woo, yeah!

Carly: (glances at Freddie) It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Freddie: Okay, you guys. Carly and I are gonna have to lay down the law here.

Boy with plaid shirt: Let's do that tomorrow, okay?

Bree: We're gonna go.

The kids leave.

Carly: But, you guys are supposed to stay 'til 5:30.

The boy with the plaid shirt shrugs.

Carly: Hey. If you don't get back to work right now, you''re fired.

The kids leave while a boy in a blue shirt lays on a table.

Carly: Get back here! I'm not playin' around. Bree? Bree, Bree!

Bree didn't listen. She left.

Carly: Okay, go!

Freddie: We don't care!

Carly: More blue tea for us!

Carly and Freddie look at each other. Then they take turns drinking out of the blue tea pitchers.


Bushwell Plaza, Shays' living room.

Spencer walks in to see Gibby with Foogtor, a man with black hair.

Gibby: So, this is Foogtor, my bus driver.

Spencer: (shakes Foogtor's hand) Oh, great to meet you, Foogtor!

Spencer walks Krustacia up to Foogtor.

Spencer: And, this is my lady friend, Krustacia.

Foogtor: Krustacia? (speaking Uzbek)

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek)

Foogtor: (complimenting in Uzbek)

Spencer: Oh, wow, yes! It is so great to finally meet someone that could speak her language.

Foogtor looks at Spencer.

Spencer: Oh, will you please tell her that I really like her a lot and I was wondering, if she might wanna go to Las Vegas with me and pay for the trip.

Foogtor and Gibby give Spencer a weird look.

Spencer: What? Too pushy? Too pushy?

Foogtor looks at Spencer.

Spencer: Why aren't you responding?

Gibby: Dude.

Spencer: Yeah?

Gibby: Foogtor doesn't speak English.

Spencer: Wait. He doesn't... (looks at Foogtor and Krustacia) you don't speak... (turns to Gibby) You said he could translate for me.

Gibby: No, I said he speaks Uzbek, which he does. So, cool the attitude, all right?

Spencer: Wait, I don't under-- wait, if he can't speak English, then how did you even invite him here?

Gibby: His brother speaks Uzbek and English.

Spencer: (sputters) Why didn't you ask the brother?!

Foogtor: (speaking Uzbek)

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek)

Foogtor: (speaking Uzbek, laughs)

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek, laughs)

Spencer: (laughs) I love you so much! (waves Krustacia's arm)

Foogtor: (speaking Uzbek)

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek)

Foogtor and Krustacia lock arms and walk to the door.

Spencer runs to Foogtor and Krustacia.

Spencer: Wait, wait, wait! Do you believe in the beavecoon? Head of beaver, rump of raccoon?

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek)

Foogtor: (speaking Uzbek)

Krustacia: (speaking Uzbek)

Foogtor and Krustacia walk out the door.

Spencer: All right, all right.

Gibby: They really hit it off.

Spencer: Gibby!


The Groovy Smoothie smoothie bar.

Carly, Sam, Freddie sit with the boy and the girl in braids.

Freddie: Say it.

Sam: I'm sorry I worked you guys so hard. I didn't give you enough breaks, and, fed you, you know, animal food.

Girl with braids: Okay.

Carly: And Freddie and I apologize for what happened with you guys.

Freddie: It's our fault for letting you think that work was just about taking breaks and having fun all day.

Carly: Animal food?

Sam: It strengthens hooves.

Freddie: The point is, we've got a lot of penny-tees to make, so we'd like to start fresh and work with all of you guys again.

Girl with braids: Well, thanks.

Boy: But, sorry. 

Girl with braids: We started our own penny-tee business.

Sam: Your own what?! 

Freddie: Queso?

Boy: Yeah. Look around. 

Carly, Sam, and Freddie turn to notice a lot of people wearing penny-tees.

Sam: You little punks! 

Carly: You can't take our penny-tee idea.

Boy: What are you gonna do, sue us? 

Girl with braids: We're ten.

Boy: Good luck. 

Carly: No. Good luck to you, sir. The only reason our penny-tees are so popular is 'cause they say really funny, creative things on them.

Freddie: That Carly and Sam think of. 

Sam: You can't steal our comedic brains. 

Carly: So, ha. And, once again, ha!

Girl with braids: Doesn't matter if we can't think of funny things to put on penny-tees.

Boy: 'Cause we can hire writers who can. Arthur, Jake, whatcha got?

Arthur, a boy with a blue plaid jacket and Jake, a boy with a striped shirt, turn to the boy who's sitting with Carly, Sam, and Freddie. The boys are both holding notepads and pencils.

Carly, Sam, and Freddie, turn to Arthur and Jake.

Arthur: Pork Lumps.

Jake: Flab Attack.

Arthur: Butter Hose.

Jake: Puppy Snot.

Carly, Sam, and Freddie look at each other weird.

Arthur: Cheese Bubbles.

Jake: Rubber Toes.

Carly gets up from her chair.

Arthur: Finger Face.

Jake: Tasty Clown.

Sam and Freddie get up from their chairs after Carly.

Arthur: Purple Chester.

Jake: Fried Cousins.

Carly, Sam, and Freddie walk to the door.

T-Bo, a man with dreads and a cap walks to the three while holding chicken pot pies on a stick.

T-Bo: Who wants a chicken pot pie?

Freddie: No thanks.

Carly: Not me.

Sam: Shut up, T-Bo.

Carly, Sam, and Freddie walk out the door.

iCarly © to Dan Schneider, Schneider's Bakery, Nickelodeon. This blog does not claim ownership of the reproduced transcripts provided on this blog.

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